Mongodb_1 | T10:54:09.878+0000 W STORAGE Recovering data from the last clean checkpoint. Mongodb_1 | T10:54:09.876+0000 I STORAGE Detected data files in /data/db created by the 'wiredTiger' storage engine, so setting the active storage engine to 'wiredTiger'. yaml file is below.) Using restart for mongo-express is also mandatory. I fetched that from the /private/etc/hosts file on my Mac OS. Mongodb_1 | T10:54:09.873+0000 W STORAGE Detected unclean shutdown - /data/db/mongod.lock is not empty. In my case, I had to change the host name in the MECONFIGMONGODBURL variable to : 'mongodb://admin::27017'. As a result, the user experience is very similar to running Docker directly on Linux. Boot2Docker installs the Docker command line locally but runs the Docker daemon in a Virtual Box VM.
Mongodb_1 | T10:54:09.869+0000 I CONTROL options: Docker only directly runs on Linux so if you are using Mac OSX or Windows the first step is to install Boot2Docker (Mac OSX, Window). Manga Studio EX 4, the worlds leading comic and manga creation software, delivers powerful art tools for every manga and comic artist. Mongodb_1 | T10:54:09.869+0000 I CONTROL distarch: x86_64 launchctl list grep mongo launchctl remove pkill -f mongod brew uninstall mongodb.
Mongodb_1 | T10:54:09.869+0000 I CONTROL modules: none I try to use the mongodb official docker image on mac os x 10.10.2 with this command inside mac terminal :docker run -v /Users/john/data/db:/data/db -p 27017:27017 mongo -smallfilesBut it exit. I got the output: mongodb_1 | T10:54:09.847+0000 I CONTROL Automatically disabling TLS 1.0, to force-enable TLS 1.0 specify -sslDisabledProtocols 'none' Then I run docker-compose down -v & docker-compose up -build
Then I want to start -auth for the MongoDB like below, I got errors. version: 3 services: mongodb: image: mongo restart: always mongo-express: image: mongo-express restart: always ports: - 8081:8081 os: mac log docker-buff git:(master) docker-compose up -force-recreate -build Recreating docker-buf. Shell/Bash queries related to install mongo db docker ubuntu 20.04 mongodb installation in ubuntu 20.04 sudo install mongodb on ubuntu 20.04 install mongodb-org ubuntu 20.04 ubuntu 20.04 install mongosh how to install mongodb community server on ubuntu 20.04 run mongodb locally linux ubuntu 20.
If I didn't setup -auth for MongoDB by below code, all works well. I am testing NodeJS + MongoDB on local Mac OS with docker-compose, but NodeJS and MongoDB can't connect successfully.